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01st July 2021 | Dalton Community Association Trustees Meeting

1) Attendance:
B Doughty (Chair), B Ryninks, V Robinson, R Creer, G Smith, S Nott, D Ward, Nick Perie,
S Johnson, D Brown, B Shirley, B Walker.

R Willock, Ian Maddox, A. Thurlow

2) Declaration of interests:
Steve Nott – Barrow Borough Council
Nick Perie – Dalton Town Council
Ben Shirley – Cllr, Dalton Borderlands Community Partnership
Barry Doughty – Dalton Borderlands Community Partnership
Ron Creer – Reflections of Dalton Booklet.
Sue Johnson – Drop Zone

3) Minutes of the meeting:
held on zoom 27th May 2021.
The minutes were accepted as a true record.
BD thanked Val for taking the minutes of the meetings throughout lockdown.

4) Matters arising from the minutes: None

5) Approvement of payments
These were forwarded by a separate email.
All approved.

6) Financial Report :
May Accounts: BR reported that the deficit before May was £4,351.00, however a Furlough payment of £657.00,
together with the payment of £1,630.00 for a new door and £3,335.00 for the purchase of new computers leaving a surplus of £614.
The year-to-date surplus is £4,088.00 this is mainly due from the £8.000.00 received as a Business Retention Grant.

7) Budgets for 2021-2022 and Reserves Policy.
BR reported that the budget that was approved last month now shows the actual figures and variants.
BR also reported that the Charities Commission are encouraging and confirming the importance of having a reserve policy.

8) Audit and Charity Commission submission
BR is trying to bring our accounts audit earlier and is working with the Borough Council.
They are under pressure at the moment but hope to be able to do it in August which will allow us to hold the AGM in September
and then the accounts can go to the Charity Commission.

8a) BD reported that he had received a copy of the licence for the C.C.C.
booking in the East Wing. They will be paying £3,600.00 per year to be invoice quarterly from the 12/May/2021,
BR will deal with the invoicing.

8b) BD also reported that he is working with Library Department to draw up
a similar agreement. Action – BD

9) Building Works
a) Childrens Centre – Cumbria County Council sent the fitter who advised BD that he could not do the awning,
BD is looking into it. Action – BD
b) BD said he is struggling to get hold of the electrician but will keep trying. Action – BD

10) Staffing
PW has now left after a handover with BW throughout June.

11) Return of Groups
BD reported that all the groups were coming back once the restrictions are lifted.
The True Life Church will be back at the end of this month and will give us a donation.

12) Signal Films (Leaflet) NW Electricity grant progress
BD reported that we have received the leaflet and has been paid so the project is complete.

13) Grants
(a) The large grant from F. C Scott is for youth work with Drop Zone.They will invoice us for the youth workers,
we will then invoice for rent.

(b) Reflections of Dalton Book – BD is awaiting confirmation of a grant from C.C. Council for £2,500.00.
A Donation of £300 has been received from the Mayor of Dalton and £700.00 from Dalton Town Council.
RC has been commissioned to write the book and was asked specifically by DCA to set up a small advisory group
and work with DB to involve the school children. BS reported that the grants panel were very supportive of the project.

(c) George Wood Trust – Application for £1000.00 for the Reflections of Dalton has been forwarded.

(d) BD reported that the Co-op are happy with our application for Sensory lights.

(e) Steel Charitable Trust – As we now have a Reserves Policy BD can now forward our application.

14) Dalton Boarderland Community Partnership
BD reported the partnership was moving along well and Alison Meadows will be based in our office on a Monday.

15) Any Other Business
BD reported that he had sold his house and would be moving away from the area in approximately 3 months.
VR and BD will meet regularly to do a hand over.
BD said he would like to remain on the board of trustees and commented that we need to be looking for additional trustees.

BW advised trustees of Pat Wilsons leaving party, this will be held on Thursday 29th July (after the trustee meeting),
at the Brown Cow in Dalton. An email will be sent to all trustees regarding details.

16) Date and time for the next meeting 5.00pm Thursday 29th July 2021
(To be held at the centre if restrictions are lifted), BD thanked SN for organising the Zoom meetings.